

Please register early to secure a place in class. Any class with less than four students enrolled may be subject to cancellation.


Fall tuition may be paid in 4(four) monthly payments due September, October, November & December. Spring tuition may be paid in 5(five) monthly payments due in January, February, March, April and May.  Monthly tuition payments are due the first class of each month and are delinquent on the 10th of the month. There is a $10 late fee after the 10th of the month.


Class recommendations will be made based on the student's history and ability level. If necessary, placement may be adjusted after classes start.


All shoes for intermediate and advanced need to be approved by a teacher before being worn. All students taking Kids In Motion and the tap, ballet and tumbling classes wear black leotard and pink tights(no skirts or decorations on the leotard, please). 

Make-Up Lessons

Sudents are encouraged to make up missed classes to maintain in order to maintain their strength and technique.

Inclement Weather

Check our our website-jcdanceacademy.com, our Facebook page, call 573-634-4337 or check local television stations for cancellations announcements.


Please do not hesitate to contact a teacher or staff member wtih any quesitons or concerns.



Special thanks to SportsClipArt.com for the use of the ballerina en pointe artwork.

Ballerina en pointe